Teun Remmers

| 223 cycling paths, involving the surrounding neighborhoods and its associated public health services. Also, Maastricht University, Utrecht University, the Fontys University of Applied Sciences Sport Eindhoven, and the Dutch ministry of infrastructure and environment were involved in this project. Relationships between the environment and PA will be studied in the A2Health study with techniques that are in line with the methodologies applied in chapters 7, 8 and 9. However, the strength of the innovative methodology presented in this thesis is limited to the quality or precision of the GIS data at hand. As the quality of GIS data may differ between municipalities, standardization and national registries of highly specific Geospatial information is warranted. With this highly specific Geospatial information, results from studies as presented in 8 and 9 of this thesis may be easier generalized and disseminated to other municipalities. This also provides opportunities to combine accelerometer and GPS datasets across the Netherlands, or perhaps even internationally. By doing so, objective PA patterns can be studied in more diverse environmental, organizational, social, and socio-demographical contexts. An example of this combination of datasets is the international children's accelerometry database, which pooled accelerometer measurements from 20 countries worldwide (11). Combined accelerometer and GPS methodologies only contain objective information on participant's movement or location. However, the integration of subjective data that relates to participant's perceptions of the built environment (e.g. perceptions of aesthetics, attractiveness, safety, functionality, or vicinity) provides important additional insights in environment-behavior relationships. The integration of these subjective measurements may be especially feasible when using ecological momentary assessment techniques, by which a respondent can report subjective information (e.g. perceptions or affect) repeatedly across the day at certain pre-defined time points (12). In this way, subjective information will be reported close in time to the actual experience, and can be subsequently aligned with objective information regarding children's activity and location. In terms of valorization, subjective data regarding perceptions of public spaces combined with objective data regarding the spatial location or travel patterns is highly relevant for municipalities, as these data can directly highlight where, when and in which domain (e.g. aesthetics, safety, functionality) important changes to the publically accessible physical or social environment can be made. The outcomes of the work presented in this thesis have been disseminated through various channels. Results were disseminated through presentations, media, readings and publications in national and international journals. In addition, the methodological approach and accompanied results were presented at several national- and two international conferences (i.e. oral presentations during the 'International Conference of Diet and Activity Methods' and during the annual conference of the 'International Society of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity'). Also, outcomes and techniques presented in this thesis have been used for educational purposes, for example in the Master of Sports and Physical Education at Fontys University of Applied Sport Sciences and in the