Teun Remmers

Bachelor Health Sciences at Maastricht University. The activities, products and innovations presented in this thesis led to further collaboration with national institutes (i.e. School of Sports Studies at Fontys University of Applied Sciences Sport Eindhoven, the Research group Healthy Lifestyle in a Supporting Environment at the Hague University of Applied Sciences, and the Department at Human Geography and Spatial Planning at Utrecht University) and international institutes (i.e. the Institute for Physical Activity and Nutrition at Deakin University, Melbourne, Australia). References 1. Gezondheidsraad. Beweegrichtlijnen 2017. Den Haag: Gezondheidsraad 2017; publicatienr. 2017/08. 2. Janssen I, LeBlanc AG. Systematic review of the health benefits of physical activity and fitness in school-aged children and youth. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity. 2010;7(40):1-16. 3. Boreham CAG, McKay HA. Physical activity in childhood and bone health. British Journal of Sports Medicine. 2011;45. 4. Biddle SJ, Asare M. Physical activity and mental health in children and adolescents: a review of reviews. British Journal of Sports Medicine. 2011. 5. Sibley BA, Etnier JL. The relationship between physical activity and cognition in children: a meta-analysis. Pediatric Exercise Science. 2003;15(3):243-56. 6. Telama R. Tracking of physical activity from childhood to adulthood: a review. Obesity Facts. 2009;2(3):187-95 . 7. Kristensen PL, Møller N, Korsholm L, Wedderkopp N, Andersen LB, Froberg K. Tracking of objectively measured physical activity from childhood to adolescence: the European youth heart study. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports. 2008;18(2):171-8. 8. Armstrong N, Welsman JR. The physical activity patterns of European youth with reference to methods of assessment. Sports Medicine. 2006;36(12):1067-86. 9. Kremers SP, De Bruijn GJ, Visscher TL, Van Mechelen W, De Vries NK, Brug J. Environmental influences on energy balance-related behaviors: a dual- process view. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity. 2006;3(1):9. 10. Giles-Corti B, Timperio A, Bull F, Pikora T. Understanding physical activity environmental correlates: increased specificity for ecological models. Exercise and Sport Sciences Reviews. 2005;33(4):175-81. 11. Sherar LB, Griew P, Esliger DW, Cooper AR, Ekelund U, Judge K, Riddoch C. International children's accelerometry database: design and methods. BMC Public Health. 2011;11:485. 12. Spook JE, Paulussen T, Kok G, van Empelen P. Monitoring dietary intake and physical activity electronically: feasibility, usability, and ecological validity of a mobile-based ecological momentary assessment tool. Journal of Medical Internet Research. 2013;15(9):214.