Teun Remmers

Publication list | 251 Publications presented in this thesis Remmers T, Sleddens EF, Gubbels JS, De Vries SI, Mommers M, Penders J, Kremers SP, Thijs C. Relationship between physical activity and the development of body mass index in children. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise. 2013;46(1):177-84. Remmers T, Sleddens EF, Kremers SP, Thijs C. Moderators of the relationship between physical activity enjoyment and physical activity in children. Journal of Physical Activity and Health. 2015;12(8):1066-73. Remmers T, Broeren SM, Renders CM, Hirasing RA, van Grieken A, Raat H. A longitudinal study of children’s outside play using family environment and perceived physical environment as predictors. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity. 2014;11(1):76. Remmers T, Van Kann DH, Gubbels JS, Schmidt S, de Vries SI, Ettema D, Kremers SP, Thijs C. Moderators of the longitudinal relationship between the perceived physical environment and outside play in children: the KOALA birth cohort study. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity. 2014:11(1); 150. Remmers T, Thijs C, Timperio A, Salmon J, Veitch J, Kremers SP, Ridgers ND. Daily weather and children's physical activity patterns. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise. 2017;49(5):922-29. Remmers T. Van Kann DH. Thijs C. de Vries SI, Kremers SP. Playability of school- environments and after-school physical activity among 8–11 year-old children: specificity of time and place. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity. 2017;13(1):82. Remmers T, Thijs C, Ettema D, de Vries SI, Slingerland M, Kremers SP. Critical hours and important environments: relationships between after-school physical activity and the built environment using GPS, GIS and accelerometers in 10-12-year-old children. Submitted for Publication. Remmers T, de Vries SI, Ettema D, Kremers SP, Thijs C. Unravelling the physical activity context: investigating context-specific physical activity patterns in transition from primary to secondary school using accelerometers, GPS, and GIS. Submitted for Publication.