Teun Remmers

Publication list | 252 Other peer-reviewed international publications Remmers T, van Grieken A, Renders CM, Hirasing RA, Broeren SM, Raat H. Correlates of parental misperception of their child's weight status: the 'be active, eat right' study. Plos One. 2014;9(2). Raat H, Struijk MK, Remmers T, Vlasblom E, van Grieken A, Broeren SM, te Velde SJ, Beltman M, Boere-Boonekamp MM, L'Hoir MP. Primary prevention of overweight in preschool children, the BeeBOFT study (breastfeeding, breakfast daily, outside playing, few sweet drinks, less TV viewing): design of a cluster randomized controlled trial. BMC Public Health. 2013;13(1):974