Teun Remmers

Relationship between PA enjoyment and PA in children | 37 Figure 1: Flowchart Measurements PA enjoyment We measured PA enjoyment by the self-reported, Dutch translation of the Physical ACtivity Enjoyment Scale (PACES), originally designed for adults by Kendzierski and DeCarlo (1991) (28). The original PACES is a single factor, 18-item scale to asses PA enjoyment across various exercise and PA modalities, using 7-point Likert response scales. Factorial and construct validity of a slightly adjusted 16 item 5-point Likert response scale version of the PACES was evaluated in adolescent girls (29). In this study, factorial validity was investigated by exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses, and acceptable fit for the model was reported (29). In addition, after making negligible modifications from the version of Motl et al. (2001), the reliability and validity of the PACES were also evaluated