Marilen Benner

B CELLS CONTRIBUTE TO DECIDUAL IMMUNITY 105 4 (A) Gating strategy preceding unsupervised clustering. (B) Cross-validation error rate of the nearest shrunken centroid predictive association model. Predictive group assignment based on automatic feature generation using CD3, CD4, CD8, CD14, CD16, CD19, CD25, CD56 and HLA-DR expression data of menstrual blood mononuclear cells (n=18), first trimester (n=18), second trimester (n=10), and term (n=12) decidua. 5686 events were clustered at a minimum cluster size of 2% of all events. (C) Clustering tree illustrating the relationship between nodes after hierarchical clustering. The color scale shows marker expression per cluster while size of each node represents event frequency. (D) Cluster-specific expression of the individual markers.