Marilen Benner

CHAPTER 4 106 Supplemental Figure S3. Details of decidual B cell analysis. Related to Figure 3 + 4. (A) Flow cytometry gating strategy to select B cell population within all samples. Gate positions were not changed except for stringent selection of CD3 - and CD19 + events only. (B) Unsupervised analysis of peripheral blood vs decidual B cells Marker expression of clusters identified by unsupervised analysis of IgD, IgM, CD20, CD24, CD27 and CD38. Color scales illustrates the relative marker expression per cluster while size of each node represents event frequency. (C) Single components of multiplex assay. Representative example of individual components of CD3 (red), CD19 (yellow), and Foxp3(green). Original magnification x20, scale bar indicates 100µm.