Marilen Benner

IMMUNE PROFILES IDENTIFY RECURRENT PREGNANCY LOSS 113 5 node in a network of related variables is considered. Thus, we additionally assessed all studied features by classical bivariate analysis. No differences in total leucocyte populations or frequently studied T helper cell subsets were detected (Supplementary Figure S3). Whereas no altered NK cell subset frequencies were observed in PB of RPL patients, MB revealed decreased fractions of NKbright cells, and an increased percentage of CD16 + CD56 + NKdim cells (Figure 2 A,B). Table 1. Cohort characteristics. Control RPL PB n 13 15 Age in years, median (range) 34 (27 - 46) 34 (28 - 42)^ CMV positive 6/13 (46%) 4/12 (33%)^^ MB n 14 18 Age in years, median (range) 34 (27 - 46) 33 (28 - 46) CMV positive 6/13 (54%)^ 6/14 (43%)^^^ ^Information NA for one donor, ^^ three, or ^^^ four donors. RPL: Recurrent pregnancy loss. PB: peripheral blood, MB: Menstrual blood. Latent cytomegalovirus (CMV) infection is known to selectively affect expansion of leucocyte subsets, especially regarding subsets of NK cells, T cells and B cells (30-33). Of all assessed features, a difference based on CMV status was only observed for CD27+ B cells in MB of RPL patients (Figure 2C). RPL patients who were CMV seropositive showed highest frequencies of CD27 expressing B cells.