Marilen Benner

CHAPTER 5 126 A Supplementary Figure S2 | Receiver operating characteristic curve of the individual classifiers based on feat selected by the ensemble approach. (A) Results for peripheral blood derived mononuclear cells (PBMC), (B) menstrual blood derived mononuclear cells (MBC) on next page. Gradient Boosting Random Forest Bagging Logistic Regression Ridge Regression SVC Peripheral blood SGD mentary Figure S2 | Receiver operating characteristic curve of the individual classifiers based on features d by the ensemble approach. (A) Results for peripheral blood derived mononuclear cells (PBMC), (B) ual blood derived mononuclear cells (MBC) on next page. ent Boosting Random Forest ging Logistic Regression Ridge Regression SVC heral blood ementary Figure S2 | Receiver operating characteristic curve of the individual cla sifiers based on features ed by the ense ble a proach. ( ) Results for peripheral blood derived ononuclear ce ls (PB C), (B) rual blood derived ononuclear ce ls ( BC) on next page. dient B osting Random Forest ging Logistic Regre sion Ridge Regre sion SVC heral bl od A Supplementary Figure S2 | Receiver operating characteristic curve of the individual classifiers based on featu selected by the ensemble approach. (A) Results for peripheral blood derived mononuclear cells (PBMC), (B) menstrual blood derived mononuclear cells (MBC) on next page. Gradient Boosting Random Forest Bagging Logistic Regression Ridge Regression SVC Peripheral blood SGD characteristic curve of the individual classifiers based on features s for peripheral blood derived mononuclear cells (PBMC), (B) BC) on next page. m Forest Logistic Regression Ridge Regression A Supplementary Figure S2 | Rec iver oper ting characteristic curve s lec ed by the ensem le approach. (A) Res lts for peripheral blood menstrual blood deriv d mononuclear cells (MBC) on next page. Gradient Boosting Random Fore t Bagging SVC Peripheral blood GD A Peripheral blood Supplementary Figure S2. Receiver operating characteristic curve of the individual classifiers based on features selected by the ensemble approach. (A) Results for peripheral blood derived mononuclear cells (PBMC), (B) menstrual blood derived mononuclear cells (MBC) on next page.