Marilen Benner

CHAPTER 8 232 different pieces of the puzzle (Figure 2). Bioinformatic approaches will aid to make connections between the different omics strategies that we cannot fathom. Reproductive immunology not only affects fertility but sets the start for all prenatal development, which, on its turn, sets the stage for a healthy future (125). Development of effective screening methods, throughout, or even prior to, pregnancy will allow detection, and hopefully treatment of, diseases that manifest too late to alter their perinatal outcome. Pregnancy still seems mysterious; there are many pieces to put together, and discover, in order to understand this fascinating puzzle. However, the final picture for research to work on is clearly defined. The aim will always be to offer the best possible conditions for a future generation. M i c r o b i o m e P a t e r n a l f a c t o r s H o r m o n e s C e l l d i e r e n t i a t i o n C e l l - c e l l i n t e r a c t i o n s C y t o k i n e s ... ? Figure 2. Reproductive immunology demands integration of multiple disciplines.