Marilen Benner

GRAPHICAL SUMMARY 251 9 CHAPTER 6 | HOW UTERINE MICROBIOTA MIGHT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR A RECEPTIVE, FERTILE ENDOMETRIUM Essential properties for bene cial microbial colonisation Comparable micro-environment Endometrium suited for blastocyst implantation Minimizing systemic threat anatomically Limited contact between bacteria and epithelia Rapid detection and killing upon barrier breach Needed: Given in endometrium? Strong tight junctions endometrial epithelia Secretion of anti-microbial molecules High abundance of gatekeeping lymphocytes Protection Niche competition commensal vs pathogen Th1 Th2 Th17 Tr1 + Cytokine production + Receptor stimulation Epithelial cell di erentiation Modulation of permeability Anatomical shaping Modulation of host immunity T c e l l Endometrium Intestinal mucosa Lumen Uterine cavity Can we relate knowledge from gut mucosa to the uterus? Implantation + Active uptake of blastocyst Anti-microbial peptides SCFA APC NK cell T cell