Marilen Benner

CHAPTER 9 252 CHAPTER 7| ANTIBIOTIC INTERVENTION AFFECTS MATERNAL IMMUNITY DURING GESTATION IN MICE Control vs Broad-spectrum antibiotics Method Results 2x4 days of treatment during pregnancy E ect on immune balance of pregnancy Machine learningensemble recursive feature selection Placenta Amniotic uid Peritoneal cavity Spleen MLN& ILN Treated I m m u n e p r o l e PC1 C2 Antibiotics cause gestational immunemodi cation reachingas far as theplacenta ? ! • Antibiotic treatment reduced microbial diversity maternal gut but litter size remained unaffected. • Immune features altered due to treatment reached as far as placenta (splenic T helper 17 cells and CD5+ B cells, CD4+ T cells in mesenteric lymph nodes and ROR γ T mRNA expression in placenta). • Unique immunological properties of pregnancy have to be considered in safety studies.