Marilen Benner

CHAPTER 2 44 SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION Supplementary Table S1. Donor characteristics Variable Menstrual and peripheral blood donors (n=17) Placenta donors (n=19) (information not available for 3 donors) Age, median (range) 30 (19-46) 31 (23-37) Contraceptives 0/17 (100%) NA Previous pregnancy 9/17 (53%) 15/16 (94%) Previous miscarriage 6/17 (35%) 4/16 (25%) Length of menstrual cycle, median (range) 28 (22-35) NA C-section NA 19/19 (100%) Duration of pregnancy, median (range) NA 38 weeks (38-40 weeks) Natural conception NA 15/16 (94%; 1 intrauterine insemination) Birth weight, median ( range) NA 3340 (2948-4325) NA, not applicable