Marilen Benner

CHAPTER 2 46 Supplementary Figure S1. Representative gating strategy for immunophenotyping of peripheral blood (PBMC), menstrual blood (MMC), and term decidua (DPMC). Gate settings for PBMC were copied to menstrual and decidual samples. Leukocytes were first gated on CD45 positivity. Neutrophils and CD14 + cells were then excluded. The remaining dot plots represent the gating strategy for lymphocytes (FS-SS scatter), B cells (CD19 + ), NK cells (CD3 - CD56 + ), NKT cells (CD3 + CD56 + ), T cells (CD3 + CD56 - ), CD4 + T cells (CD3 + CD56 - CD4 + ), CD8 + T cells (CD3 + CD56 - CD8 + ), and viable lymphocytes (FixViabDye - ).