Vincent de Leijster

103 Ecosystem services trajectories in coffee agroforestry in Colombia over 40 years 5 Table 5-3. Pair-wise correlation matrix presenting the development of ecosystem service trade-offs and bundles over time, using a short-term timeslot (1-10 y) and a long-term timeslot (11-20 y). The first column gives the description of the abbreviations used in the first row and units are given in Table 5-1. In the upper right half of the table sample size (n) of the correlation pair is given. In the lower left half of the table only the correlation coefficients are given that had a P-value lower than 0.10 (· is P < 0.10, * is P < 0.05 , ** is P < 0.01). Green shading indicates positive relationships, red shading indicates negative relationships. The abbreviations used as column titles correspond to the row names. Sample sizes of correlated pairs are presented in the appendix Table A5-5. AGC BGC Litter Understory Erosion Stability Epiphyte CBB Yield CBQ Carbon stock Above-ground carbon (AGC) 0-10y 10-20y Below-ground carbon (BGC) 0-10y 10-20y Erosion control Litter cover 0-10y 10-20y Understory vegetation cover 0-10y 10-20y -0.36· Potential soil loss control 0-10y 0.37* 0.77** 0.48* 10-20y 0.41*  0.47* 0.48* Soil stability 0-10y 10-20y -0.43*  Habitat provisioning Epiphyte richness 0-10y 0.58* 0.53* 10-20y 0.36*  Pest control Coffee berry borer control 0-10y -0.40* 10-20y -0.43* Provisioning services Coffee yield 0-10y -0.34* 10-20y 0.51* 0.35· Coffee bean quality 0-10y -0.34· 10-20y -0.40·