Vincent de Leijster

122 Chapter 6 Table 6-1. Economic performance indicators, their cost and benefit components, and the corresponding raw variables. Economic performance indicator Costs and benefits Variables Coffee net revenue Gross coffee revenue Coffee yield, coffee price Pest control Labor, pesticides Fertilization Labor, fertilizers Herb control Labor, herbicides, fuel Coffee plants and beans management Labor, fuel: harvesting, processing, transporting Actual net revenue Gross plantain revenue Plantain yield, price Gross tree products revenue Timber and fruit quantity, price Plantain management Labor, agrochemicals: fertilizing, harvesting, pest control Timber and fruit trees management Labor, agrochemicals: pruning, harvesting, pest control, fertilizing Potential net revenue Potential additional revenues of co-products Market value of non-marketed fruits, timber, carbon 6.2.4 Actual benefits We calculated ‘coffee gross revenue’ as the product of ‘farmer-reported coffee yield’ and ‘coffee farm gate price’. We collected information on coffee yield in 2018 and the reported yields for the previous years, 2017, 2016 and 2015. We then used the yield of 2018 and divided this by the area with productive coffee, so that areas in renovation were excluded. We asked for information about coffee farm gate prices that farmers had obtained in the same years. Further, we calculated ‘actual benefits from tree fruits, Musa fruits and timber’, i.e. those that were marketed from the farm. We recorded information about (i) the quantity of fruits or timber that was marketed, (ii) the farm-gate prices for the products, and (iii) the densities of trees and Musa plants. The fruit trees farmers marketed included avocados, citruses (orange, lemon, mandarin), soursops and mangos, the marketed timber included wood from Cordia alliadora and Eucalyptus grandis, and the marketed fruits included Musa fruits, plantains, and bananas. We calculated the gross revenues of these products by multiplying the quantity of marketed products by their respective farm-gate prices.