Vincent de Leijster

124 Chapter 6 Management costs For ‘pest control management’ we collected informationabout the (i) quantity of agrochemicals and their costs (fungicides and pesticides) and (ii) labor hours spent to suppress the incidence of pests. We considered the following pests and diseases: coffee berry borer (brocca), coffee leaf rust (roya), Mealybug (palomilla), Mycosphaerella coffeicola (mancha de hierro), red spider mite (arañita roja), and leaf cutter ants (hormiga arriera). For each of these pests we asked the farmers about the controlling treatment that was applied and the brand names of the agrochemicals. We calculated the ‘costs of agrochemical products’ that farmers used by multiplying the ‘product price’ by the ‘doses’ and an assumed ‘application time’ of 2.4 days ha-1 and added this to ‘labor costs for pest control’ to obtain ‘pest control management costs’. For more detailed information about costs of individual agrochemicals we refer the reader to the appendix (Table A6-3). For ‘fertilization management’ we collected information about the (i) quantity of fertilizers and their costs and (ii) labor time spent to apply it. Specifically, we asked the farmers the names of the fertilizer products that were applied, the application rate (grams per coffee plant), frequency of application per year, and number of coffee plants per hectare. The price of fertilizer products was obtained from agrochemical shops (Appendix Table A6- 3). We calculated the ‘cost for fertilizer products’ by multiplying the ‘product price’ by ‘doses per plant’ and by the ‘number of coffee plants per hectare’, and added this to ‘labor costs for fertilization’ to obtain ‘fertilization management costs’. For ‘herb control management’ we collected information about (i) quantity of herbicides used and their costs, (ii) (fuel) costs of mechanical (brush cutter) and manual (machete) herb control, and (iii) labor time spent on these activities. Specifically, we asked the farmers for the names of the herbicides that were applied, the frequency of application and the labor time spent. We calculated the ‘costs of herbicide products’ that farmers used by multiplying the ‘product price’ by the ‘doses’ and an assumed ‘application time’ of 2.4 days ha - 1 , and added this to ‘costs mechanical and manual control’ and ‘labor costs for herb control’ to obtain ‘herb control management costs’. For ‘coffee harvesting, processing and transportation’ we first multiplied the ‘fresh:dry weight ratio’ of 0.23 (SD=0.12, n=52; based on local samples, De Leijster et al. 2021) by the ‘farmer-reported dry green coffee yield’ to obtain the ‘fresh coffee yield’. To calculate the ‘coffee harvesting labor costs’, we multiplied the ‘fresh coffee yield’ by the average contracted labor cost per kg of harvested fresh coffee, which was €0.14 kg-1. Coffee processing activities include washing, fermenting, peeling and drying the beans. Since not all farmers were able to provide an accurate estimate of the processing time, we assumed a