Vincent de Leijster

128 Chapter 6 0 2000 4000 6000 0 10 20 30 40 Time since transition (y) Gross co ee revenues (€/ha/y) -2000 0 2000 4000 0 10 20 30 40 Time since transition (y) Net co ee revenues (€/ha/y) -2000 0 2000 4000 0 10 20 30 40 Time since transition (y) Realized net revenues (€/ha/y) a b c Figure 6-2. Development of economic performance over time since transition to agroforestry. a) Gross coffee revenues (0-40 y: psR2=0.0015, F=3.15, P=0.08). b) Net coffee revenues (psR2=0.0083 F=1.7, P=0.19), c) Realized total net revenue (psR2=0.00086 F=1.8, P=0.18). Colours indicate tree spatial arrangement classes, with blue for trees dispersed over the farm, green trees in alley formation, orange trees in living fences bordering the farm, red for monoculture coffee farms which are indicated as a reference but not included in the model, and light grey were not classified. We also found that the gross revenues from Musa fruits decreased over time (0.98±1.01, T=2.7, P=0.008; Table 6-3) while the value of non-marketed timber increased (F=4.9, P=0.035; Table 6-3). Furthermore, we found a decrease in costs of harvesting, processing and transporting (0.98±1.01, T=2.19, P=0.03), and costs of pest control were also slightly higher, but this was not significant (1.02±1.01, T=1.7, P=0.08). We found no significant differences in coffee net revenues between farms that sold fruits or timber and farms that did not (Figure A6-4).