Vincent de Leijster

161 Appendices Appendices of Chapter 4 (A4) Table A4-1. Characteristics of the almond farms used for the experiments and the details on treatment implementation per farm. CT refers to conventional tillage ( ≥ 3 times), RT to reduced tillage (1-2 times), GM to green manure, NT to no tillage and CM to compost. Farm 1 Farm 2 Farm 3 Farm 4 Farm 5 Soil texture Loam Loam Sandy clay loam Sandy loam Loam Soil type Calcic Regosols Eutric Cambisols Calcic Cambisols Eutric Fluvisols Calcic Cambisols Elevation (m) 1250 900 1100á 1100 1250 Slope (%) 7 24 4 2 8 Average rainfall in the past 5 years (mean±; mm) 262 ± 23 284 ± 24 296 ± 20 333 ± 23 327 ± 27 Location Los Vélez, Almería Alto Almanzora, Almería Huéscar, Granada Guadix, Granada Los Vélez, Almería Crop density (trees ha-1) 156 89 51 204 156 Crop age (year) 15 25 40 15 13 Almond variety Guara Marcona/ Desmayo Verdieri Guara Antoñeta/ Guara Historical management CT CT + occasional sheep grazing RT + occasional sheep grazing CT CT + occasional sheep grazing + organic fertilizer Implementation of treatments All: Dec 2016 All: Jan 2017 GM & CM: Dec. 2016 NT: Dec 2015 GM & CM: Dec 2016 NT: Dec 2015 All: Dec 2016