Vincent de Leijster

168 SC = exp (-b · Sp · (0.24 / R u ) · 0.08) (equation 8) Where b is an empirical coefficient determining the soil erosion reducing effectiveness of the canopy (b=0.045; Bakker et al., 2003), Sp is the canopy cover as measured in the field, and Ru is the soil surface roughness in inches as measured in the field; this was also used to obtain the subfactor soil surface roughness (SC). Soil moisture (SM) was set to 1. The soil support factor (P) was calculated following Wall et al. (2002) using the categories: no support practice (1), cross slope farming (0.75), contour farming (0.5), strip cropping cross slope (0.38) or strip cropping on contour (0.25). Table A5-1 Overview of the indicators for intensity of pest control, herb cover control and fertilization management.. Management practice Indicators Pest control Type: chemical, organic or no pesticides Frequency of pesticide application per year Expenses for pesticide products Labor hours spent for controlling pests Herb cover control Type: manual, mechanical or chemical Frequency of controlling weeds per year Expenses for herbicide products or brush cutter Labor hours spent for herb control Fertilization Type: chemical, organic or no fertilization Frequency of fertilizing products per year Expenses for fertilizing products Labor hours spent for fertilizing Table A5-2. List of observed tree and Musa species and the number of individuals observed in the study. Common name Scientific name Abundance Nogal cafetero Cordia alliadora 130 Guamo Inga edulis 40 Mataratón Gliricidia sepium 20 Cocoa Theobroma cacao 17 Avocado Persea americana 16 Spanish cedro Cedrela odorata 7 Eucalyptus Eucaliptus grandis 7 Guava Psidium guajava 7 Lemon Citrus limon 5 Mango Mango indica 3 Orange Citrus sinensis 2