Vincent de Leijster

173 Appendices Table A5-6. Correlation matrix presenting relationships among ecosystem service indicators over all time periods and tree arrangement types . Values in the cells present correlation coefficient of Pearson correlations and level of significance is indicated by *** < 0.001, ** < 0.01, * < 0.05, • < 0.10. Total AGC Total BGC Total carbon RUSLE A-factor Herb cover Litter cover Soil stability Butterfly rich Butterfly abun. Butterfly SI Epiphyte groups Berry borer LM : Plant dam. LM: Leaf dam. Coffee productivity Coffee yield Coffee bean quality Coffee quality factor (survey Timber volume Total AGC X 0.44*** 0.41** 0.41** 0.37• 0.42** 0.50* -0.33• 0.78*** Total BGÁC X 0.69*** 0.35• 0.20• Total carbon st. X 0.27* 0.21• 0.39** RUSLE A-factor X 0.45*** 0.62*** Herb cover X -0.49* Litter cover X Soil stability X 0.26• -0.47* Butterfly rich X 0.75*** 0.80*** -0.62** Butterfly abun. X -0.69*** -0.40˙ Butterfly SI X -0.62** -0.69*** Epiphyte group X 0.35• Berry borer X LM: Plant dam X 0.85*** LM: Leaf dam. X 0.55* Coffee prod. X 0.54*** Coffee yield X -0.26• Coffee quality (plot) X Coffee quality factor (survey) X Timber volume X