Vincent de Leijster

180 Table A5-11. The difference in biotic and abiotic conditions between tree spatial arrangement groups. Monoculture, is for monoculture farms that did not have shading trees. Dispersed is for shade trees dispersed in the farm, Alleys is for farms that had trees in alley formation, Living Fences is for farms that had trees bordering the farm and barely in the middle. Farm size was tested using Gamma distribution because the data was right-skewed. Letters indicate Tukey comparisons. Vegetation characteristics P-value Monoculture Dispersed Alleys Living Fences Canopy closure < 0.001 4.9±15 c 73±21 a 53±25 ab 33±31 bc Average tree age 0.57 8.7±7.2 6.0±3.9 10±3.9 Canopy height 0.19 7.5±2.7 6.2±1.6 5.6±1.8 Tree species richness 0.28 3.5±2.0 3.7±1.2 2.6±0.5 Tree density 0.96 170±113 150±112 182±98.7 Basal area 0.08 0.5±- 0.66±0.29 0.92±0.73 0.52±0.37 Plantain density 0.74 7± 15±15 23±26 20±21 Micro-climatic conditions Relative humidity 0.22 62±6.1 72±11 68±10 69±9.5 Temperature 0.14 30±3.0 27±3.4 28±4.1 29±4.2 Soil characteristics Nitrogen content 0.36 0.33±0.16 0.33±0.09 0.27±0.04 0.32±0.09 Phosphor content 0.08 9.0±6.8 23±28 15±20 10±9.1 Potassium content 0.41 0.24±0.16 0.38±0.25 0.43±0.44 0.48±0.38 SOM 0.06 6.8±2.7 7.6±1.8 6.3±1.0 7.5±2.8 Slope 0.14 27±8.7 27±9.1 30±9.0 35±8.8 Farm characteristics Altitude < 0.001 1720±170 a 1530±164 b 1620±167 ab 1550±167 a Farm size 0.03 13±21 a 5.0±7.8 b 6.3±7.3 ab 9.9±17 ab Coffee planting density 0.99 5370±1300 5330±1000 5350±1180 5320±692 Input management index 0.04 0.31±0.10 ab 0.31±0.08 b 0.35±0.09 ab 0.37±0.10 a Weeding index 0.09 0.38±0.18 0.30±0.18 0.38±0.22 0.42±0.19 Fertilization index 0.50 0.33±0.08 0.36±0.06 0.36±0.05 0.37±0.09 Pest control index 0.26 0.22±0.17 0.25±0.15 0.30±0.15 0.31±0.20