Vincent de Leijster

43 Agroecological management improves ecosystem services in almond orchards within one year 3 to CT, the single ecosystem service indices for nutrient cycling, carbon stock and habitat provisioning were 11–36% higher in NT, 8–76% higher in GM and 31–73% higher in CM; the single ecosystem services indices for food provisioning, pest control and pollination were -23–+10% (NT), -12–+4% (GM) and -11–+14% (CM) compared to CT. The overall ecosystem service indices of NT and CM were significantly higher than that of CT, but there was no significant difference between CT and GM (Figure 3-2 and Appendix Table A3-2). Figure 3-2. Radar chart of individual ecosystem service indices values per treatment units. CT = conventional tillage, CM = compost, GM = green manure, NT = no tillage (NT). Asterisks in Figure show significance of differences between treatments, * < 0.05, ** < 0.001, *** < 0.0001.