Vincent de Leijster

45 Agroecological management improves ecosystem services in almond orchards within one year 3 Food provisioning The NT treatment had the lowest almond yield on average, however, the difference was not significant (Table 3-3). Almond yield varied greatly between the farms, which explains high standard deviations. CM resulted in significantly higher kernel weights than NT and GM, but did not significantly differ to CT. Pest control and pollination In the beating method we caught 1983 individuals in total of which 86% were classified as pests (94% belonged to the suborder Sternorrhyncha) and 3% were considered natural enemies. In the pan trap method, a total of 2421 individuals were caught, of which 77% were considered pollinators (64% belonged to the order Diptera and 13% to the sub-family Apoidea). Treatment did not have a significant effect on abundance of pests, natural enemies and pollinators.