Vincent de Leijster

49 Agroecological management improves ecosystem services in almond orchards within one year 3 gether explain 72 % of the variance. Figure 3-3 shows a gradient in soil characteristics along PCA 1, corresponding to SOC content, phosphatase, urease and soil N content being higher on the negative side of PCA 1 than on the positive side. The plots of the farm 1, 2 and 4 are located on the positive side of PCA 1, while the plots of farm 3 and 5 are located on the negative side of PCA 1. Figure 3-3. Biplot visualizing the scores of PCA1 (proportion of variance explained 0.37) and PCA2 (proportion of variance explained 0.22). The x axis corresponds to the scores of PCA1 scores, the y axis corresponds to the PCA2 scores. The colors correspond to the treatments, with: CM = compost, CT = conventional tillage, GM = green manure and NT = no tillage. The symbols correspond to the farms, with: DHG = dehydrogenase activity, GLU = glucosidase activity, PHP = phosphatase activity, URE = urease activity, S.N = total soil N content, S.P = soil extractable P content, S.K = soil extractable K content, L.N = leaf N content, L.P = leaf P content, L.K = leaf K content, Prod = almond production, KW = kernel weight, SOC = soil organic carbon, Veg.C = understory carbon stock, Artr.Ab = arthropod abundance, Artr. R = arthropod order richness, PL.R = plant species richness, Veg.Cov = understory cover, Pest.Abs = pest absence, Pol.Ab = pollinator abundance, SS= fruit set ratio.