Vincent de Leijster

55 Agroecological management improves ecosystem services in almond orchards within one year 3 term research is needed, to improve our understanding of trade-offs and bundle formation during the ecosystem service rehabilitation process. We found a larger variance in ecosystem service indicators across farms than between treatments, which suggests that the amplitude of ecosystem service response is also strongly influenced by farm characteristics such as location in the landscape, climate, soil type, and current and historical management (Appendix Table A3-1). While the number of farms in our study was higher than those in previous studies (Almagro et al., 2016; Cucci et al., 2016; Ramos et al., 2010), five farms might still be too few to reveal how farm characteristics influence the ecosystem service rehabilitation process. Research conducted on a larger spatial scale and involving a larger number of farms would be needed to provide better insight into the influence of site-specific factors on the