Vincent de Leijster

65 Almond farm profitability under agroecological management 4 (equation 3) The input variables to calculate these economic performance metrics are described in detail in the next section. Input variables The model requires a set of input variables that describe income and costs (Table 1). Table 4-1. Overview of the economic performance indicators Indicators of economic performance Data source Gross revenue Almond yield (kg ha − 1 y − 1 ) Experiments i , Surveys ii Almond price (€ kg − 1 ) Expert communication iii , FAOSTAT iv Subsidy (€ ha − 1 y − 1 ) Surveys Costs Operational costs (€ ha − 1 y − 1 ) Surveys Indirect costs (€ ha − 1 y − 1 ) Literature + Survey Capital costs (€ ha − 1 ) Literature Investment costs (€ ha − 1 y − 1 ) Surveys Net revenue Gross revenue – Costs (€ ha − 1 y − 1 ) Calculation Economic performance metrics NPV (€ ha − 1 ) Stochastic cash flow model IRR (%) Stochastic cash flow model DPBT (y) Stochastic cash flow model i see section 4.2.2., ii surveys are described in section 4.2.2, and Table 4-2, iii see section gross revenue , iv see section gross revenue . Gross revenue: Input data on yield was obtained from the experimental field sites (see section 4.2.2). Revenue from almond production for the agroecological treatments was calculated as the relative production, i.e., the production compared to conventional tillage production, based on the experimental data (Appendix Figure A4-1&2, Table A4-3). Then, we multiplied this relative production value by the average self-reported production per hectare in 2013, 2014, 2015 obtained from the surveys (350 kg ha -1 shelled almond, n=13), and the same