Vincent de Leijster

74 Chapter 4 were certain of. The operational costs estimated in this study are similar to those reported in other studies on Spanish almonds (MAPA, 2018; Martin-Gorriz et al., 2020). For example, Martin-Gorriz et al. (2020) found that almonds managed with conventional tillage in Murcia (Spain) had operational costs of €710 ha -1 y -1 , while we found €844 ha -1 y -1 . 0 100 200 300 400 500 0 150 300 450 Price premium (€ ha-1 y ¹) Public incentive (€ ha- c NT + GM + CM above breakeven point NT + GM below breakeven point CT GM NT CM 0 5 10 15 20 25 0 200 400 600 800 NPV (€ ha- 1 *1000) Public incentive (€ ha- 1 y - 1) a b 0 5 20 25 10 15 0 200 400 600 800 Public incentive (€ ha- 1 y - 1) NPV (€ ha- 1 *1000) 1 y - 1) - Figure 4- 2. Responses of net present value (NPV) to diff erent management regimes, with variability in obtained price premiums (private incentives) and greening payments (public incentives). Management regimes are: in blue conventional tillage (CT), in red no tillage (NT), in yellow green manure (GM) and in brown compost (CM). a) The eff ect of public greening payment for agroecological management on the NPV of the management regimes. b) The eff ect of price premiums for agroecologically managed products on the NPV of the management regimes. Baseline almond price is €6.50, additional price premium is calculated on a hectare level by multiplying price premium with production per hectare, multiplied by number of productive years per 30 years. c) Combined eff ect of public greening payment and price premium on the NPV of NT and GM.