Vincent de Leijster

98 Chapter 5 the models failed to meet these assumptions, or when the characteristics of the response variable required so, we considered alternative distributions (Poisson: butterfly species richness and abundance, tree species richness, and Gamma: AGC, timber volume, farm size). For statistical analysis we used the software ‘R’ (R Core Team, 2019) and the packages ‘lme4’ and ‘multcomp’. Table 5-1 Overview of the variables that were measured, units of measurement, sample sizes (n) of agroforestry farms (AF) and monoculture farms (MC), samples per farm and year of data collection. Ecosystem service indicator Unit n farms AF / MC n samples (plot/method) Year of collection Carbon stock Above-ground carbon (AGC) Mg C ha -1 60 / 14 1 (20x20m) ‘18+’19 Below-ground carbon (BGC) Mg C ha -1 59 / 14 1 (20x20m) ‘18+’19 Erosion control RUSLE – potential soil loss Mg soil loss ha -1 y -1 44 / 10 8 (1x1m) ’19 Herb cover % soil covered with herbs 44 / 10 8 (1x1m) ’19 Litter cover % soil covered with litter 44 / 10 8 (1x1m) ’19 Soil stability (slake test) Stability score 44 / 10 1 ’19 Habitat provisioning Butterfly richness # species 19 / 6 4 transects (50m) ’19 Butterfly abundance # individuals 19 / 6 4 transects (50m) ’19 Butterfly diversity Shannon index 19 / 6 4 transects (50m) ’19 Epiphyte richness # taxonomic groups (0-5) 39 / - Per tree in plot ’19 Pest control Coffee berry borer incidence % infestation 59 / 15 100 berries ‘18+’19 Leaf miner leaf damage Damage score (0-4) 18 / 4 15 coffee plants ’19 Leaf miner plant damage Damage score (0-4) 18 / 4 15 coffee plants ’19 Provisioning services Coffee productivity (field) kg dry weight beans plot -1 42 / 10 6 coffee plants ’19 Coffee yield (survey) kg green coffee ha -1 54 / 14 1-3 (year ‘18- ‘16) ‘18+’19 Coffee quality Ratio fresh:dry weight 39 / 9 100 berries ’19 Timber volume m 3 timber ha -1 60 /14 1 (20x20m) ‘18+’19 Vegetation characteristics Canopy cover % canopy cover 54 / 14 1 (20x20m) ‘18+’19 Average tree age in plot y 37 / 14 1 (20x20m) ’19 Canopy height m 54 / 14 1 (20x20m) ‘18+’19 Tree species richness # tree species 54 / 14 1 (20x20m) ‘18+’19 Tree density trees ha -1 54 / 14 1 (20x20m) ‘18+’19 Plantain density Musa ha -1 54 / 14 1 (20x20m) ‘18+’19 Tree basal area m 2 trunk cover 54 / 14 1 (20x20m) ‘18+’19