Desley van Zoggel

Chapter 3 42 Table 3. Univariable analyses for risk factors for distant metastasis, local recurrence, disease free, and overall survival Distant metastasis HR CI P-value Age 1.007 0.971-1.044 0.710 Gender Female 1.00 Male 1.192 0.567-2.507 0.642 ASA 1-2 1.00 3 1.050 0.373-2.957 0.926 T stage primary 2 1.00 3 0.718 0.297-1.735 4 0.576 0.175-1.892 0.644 N stage primary 0 1.00 1 1.018 0.477-2.171 2 1.304 0.603-2.818 0.792 Neoadjuvant RTx primary None 1.00 5x5 Gy radiotherapy 1.191 0.492-2.888 (Chemo)radiotherapy 1.401 0.635-3.095 0.696 Type of surgery primary Sigmoid resection 1.00 LAR 1.678 0.489-5.749 APR 2.695 0.798-9.101 0.156 Adjuvant chemotherapy No 1.00 Yes 1.148 0.481-2.739 0.756 Number local recurrence 1st 1.00 2nd/3rd 0.241 0.152-1.606 0.241 History metastases No 1.00 Yes 0.833 0.382-2.170 0.833 Neoadjuvant radiotherapy (Chemo)radiotherapy 1.00 (Chemo)reirradiation 0.782 0.360-1.700 0.535 Type of surgery LAR 1.00 APR 0.571 0.104-3.134 Multivisceral resection 1.145 0.393-3.331 Resection n.o.s. 1.198 0.383-3745 0.797 IOERT No 1.00 Yes 0.918 0.384-2.193 0.848 Resection margin R0 1.00 R1/R2 1.678 0.887-3.176 0.112 Response pCR 1.00 Good response 1.689 0.627-4.552 Poor response 4.361 1.585-12.000 0.003 RTxradiotherapy, LAR lowanterior resection, APRabdominoperineal resection, Resectionn.o.s. resection nototherwisespecified, resectionrecurrencewithoutbowel resection, pCRpathologiccompleteresection