Desley van Zoggel

Chapter 4 62 Table 2. Resection during surgery per region of lateral recurrence Type of surgery for recurrence Low anterior resection Abdominoperineal resection Debulking after previous APR Resection of anterior organs None Only partiala Needing exenteration, including bladder Resection of ureter with reconstruction No Yes Resection of coccyx or sacrum No Coccyx Sacrum through S4 Sacrum through S3 Resection of piriformmuscle/sacral nerves No Superficial resection, sparing nerves Including resection of >1 sacral nerve(s) Resection of common iliac/ external iliac artery/vein No Resection of CI vein, without reconstruction Resection of EI artery, with reconstruction Resection of CI vein and artery with reconstruction Values in parentheses are percentages. a Vesicles/partial prostate in men, (partial) vagina/uterus in women b P-value for no resection versus any resection latLR lateral recurrence, APR abdominoperineal resection, CI common iliac, EI external iliac. Table 3. Factors related to pCR and R0 resection rate Sex Male Female Neoadjuvant treatment for LRRC Chemo(re)irradiation only Induction chemo with chemo(re)irradiation Region of lateral local recurrence Lower Middle Upper Waiting period < 10 weeks ≥ 10 weeks Values in parentheses are percentages. pCR complete response, LRRC locally recurrent rectal cancer