Femke Mathot

Appendices 202 Symposia & congresses • Mayo Hand Club Meeting, May 2017 • 1x Oral presentation • ASSH Annual Meeting, September 2017 • 1x Oral presentation • NVPC dagen, May 2018 • 2x Oral presentation • FESSH, June 2018 • 1x Oral and 1x Poster presentation • ASSH Annual Meeting, September 2018 • 1x Oral and 2x Poster presentation • SEOHS 2018, December 2018 • 1x Oral presentation • ASPN Annual Meeting, February 2019 • 2x Oral presentation • FESSH, June 2019 • 2x Oral presentation 2017 2017 2018 2018 2018 2018 2019 2019 1.35 1.25 1 2 2.5 0.5 1.75 2.25 Other • NIH R01 Grant proposal: Bridging the gap: Angiogenesis and stem cell seeding of processed nerve allograft (awarded with $1.250.000) • Catharine van Tussenbroek Fonds (awarded with €1250) • Michael van Vloten fonds (awarded with €9.500) 2016-2017 2016 2016 3 1 1.5 TEACHING ACTIVITIES Lecturing • Cadaver lab lecture on hand anatomy for medical students • Training my successor in person at Mayo Clinic 2018 2018 0.2 2 Supervision of internships / other • Research collaborator at Mayo Clinic (supervising experimental designs, experimental execution and statistical analysis of results and reviewing manuscripts) 2018-present 6.5