Tiam Mana Saffari

144 CHAPTER 7 Evidence of nerve tissue and vascularity Representative mid-distal graft nerve sections of the experimental groups including control are shown in Figure 8A-D. PGP.9.5 expression showed a consistent distribution throughout the nerve tissue in all groups, as seen in the micrographs. Quantification measured a similar expression between groups for both time points (Figure 8E). Vascularity, determined by CD34 staining, showed consistent distribution throughout the nerve tissue in control and autograft (Figure 8A,B). In allografts, CD34 was mostly expressed in the outer surface of the nerve sample and only little present in the core of the nerve. Wrapping with the SIEF flap resulted in an increased expression in the core of the allograft with consistent distribution throughout the nerve tissue (Figure 8C,D). Quantification measured significant inferiority in allograft compared to other groups at 12 weeks (8F, P<0.001). At 16 weeks, vascularity was significantly higher in the SIEF group compared to other groups (P<0.01 compared to control, P<0.05 compared to autograft, P<0.001 compared to allograft only).