Tiam Mana Saffari

195 FUNCTIONAL MOTOR RECOVERY OF STEM CELLS DELIVERED TO NERVE GRAFTS 9 RESULTS MSC differentiation Differentiated MSCs showed immunofluorescence for the markers S100, GFAP and p75 NTR, corresponding to Schwann cells that served as positive controls. Undifferentiated MSCs did not show expression of these markers (Figure 1). Figure 1. Differentiation of MSCs into Schwann-like cells. Comparison of immunocytochemistry between undifferentiated MSCs (A-D-G), differentiated MSCs (B-E-H) and Schwann cells (C-F-I). Cells are tested for the presence of Schwann cell marker S100 (green, A-B-C), glial cell marker GFAP (red, D-E-F) and neurotrophin Receptor p75 (green, G-H-I). Cell nuclei are DAPI-stained (blue). 40X magnificantion, white scale bar = 40mm.