Tiam Mana Saffari

197 FUNCTIONAL MOTOR RECOVERY OF STEM CELLS DELIVERED TO NERVE GRAFTS 9 Compound Muscle Action Potential (CMAP) At 12 weeks, CMAP ratio of unseeded allografts (13.48 ±5.00%) was significantly inferior to autografts (53.78 ±5.82%) (P<0.001), allografts seededwith undifferentiated MSCs (44.32 ±7.20%) (P=0.004) and differentiated MSCs (48.89 ±5.37%) (P<0.001, Figure 3). At 16 weeks, CMAP ratio was normalized between all groups, with 57.51 ±7.54% for autografts, 52.26 ±5.80% for allografts, 66.04 ±7.28% for allografts with undifferentiated MSCs and 61.49±8.16% for allografts with differentiated MSCs. Figure 3. Compound muscle action potential ratios (CMAP, R/L) at 12 and 16 weeks. CMAP recovery of unseeded allografts was significantly inferior compared to all other groups at 12 weeks. uMSCs: undifferentiated MSCs, dMSCs: differentiated MSCs, * indicated P<0.05, ** indicated P<0.01, *** indicated P<0.001, error bars: Standard error of the mean.