Tiam Mana Saffari

198 CHAPTER 9 Isometric Tetanic Force (ITF) The ITF ratio of allografts seeded with undifferentiated MSCs (49.74 ±6.80%) was significantly higher compared to unseeded allografts (26.32 ±4.36%) (P=0.017) at 12 weeks (Figure 4). The ratio in autografts (44.16 ±3.32%) and allografts seeded with differentiated MSCs (43.10 ±4.59%) did not demonstrate significant differences with any of the other groups. At 16 weeks, the ITF ratio of autografts (51.11 ±4.98%), allografts (56.22 ±4.44%), allografts with undifferentiated MSCs (56.12 ±6.51%) and allografts with differentiated MSCs (53.86 ±4.47%) did not significantly differ. Figure 4. Isometric Tetanic Force ratios (R/L) at 12 and 16 weeks. ITF recovery of unseeded al- lografts were significantly inferior compared to allografts seeded with undifferentiated MSCs at 12 weeks. uMSCs: undifferentiated MSCs, dMSCs: differentiated MSCs, * indicated P<0.05, ** indicated P<0.01, *** indicated P<0.001, error bars: Standard error of the mean.