Tiam Mana Saffari

199 FUNCTIONAL MOTOR RECOVERY OF STEM CELLS DELIVERED TO NERVE GRAFTS 9 Muscle mass At 12 weeks, unseeded allografts measured a significantly lower tibial muscle mass ratio (49.54 ±2.30%) compared to autografts (59.84 ±1.64%) (P=0.021, Figure 5). Allografts with undifferentiated and differentiatedMSCs measured amusclemass ratio of 57.68 ±2.87% and 55.21 ±2.36% respectively. At 16 weeks, the muscle mass ratio of allografts seeded with undifferentiated MSCs was 59.96 ±3.79%, which significantly differed from autografts (74.13 ±1.90%) (P=0.002). Unseeded allografts and allografts seeded with differentiated MSCs had a muscle mass ratio of 69.09 ±1.54% and 70.09 ±2.60% respectively. Figure 5. Wet tibial muscle mass ratios (R/L) at 12 and 16 weeks. Autografts showed a significantly higher muscle mass recovery compared to unseeded allografts at 12 weeks, and allografts seeded with undifferentiated MSCs at 16 weeks. uMSCs: undifferentiated MSCs, dMSCs: differentiated MSCs, * indicated P<0.05, ** indicated P<0.01, *** indicated P<0.001, error bars: Standard error of the mean.