Tiam Mana Saffari

220 CHAPTER 10 unbiased data. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) with Bonferroni post-hoc tests were used for comparisons between groups. Spatial distribution analysis was performed using the ERODE/DILATE program 19 . Diameter groups with a minimum of two values per diameter range were included for analysis. Results were reported as the mean and standard error of the mean (SEM), and the level of significance was set at α ≤ 0.05. RESULTS During follow-up, no SIEF flap necrosis occurred and no infections were seen (groups III-V). At sacrifice, all SIEF f laps were well vascularized and demonstrated active bleeding at its margins. Successful preservation of vasculature was achieved in all nerve graft samples (total of N=25) and unoperated control nerve samples (N=10). Macroscopic appearance of the vessels in the nerve samples Nerve samples were imaged using the micro CT for 3D visualization of the vessels, depicted in Figure 2. Revascularization consisting of a mesh network occurred from both host stumps in nerve allograft samples, leaving the middle longitudinal third (referred to as mid-section) of the nerve avascular (2C). Surgical angiogenesis enhanced the mesh network of microvessels sprouting into the nerve towards the mid- section (2D). When surgical angiogenesis was combined with undifferentiated MSCs, revascularization reached the mid-section of the graft, showing microvessels along the entire length of the nerve graft (2E). This increase was less evident when surgical angiogenesis was combined with differentiated MSCs (2F). In nerve autografts, thicker longitudinally running vessels were recognized along the entire length of the nerve (2B), comparable to unoperated control (2A). Vascular volume Vascular volume outcomes of all groups are described in Table 2 and results are depicted in Figure 3. The vascular volume in allografts was found to be lowest compared to all groups and significantly inferior to control (P<0.0001) and SIEF combined with undifferentiated MSCs (P<0.0001). SIEF combined with undifferentiated MSCs was significantly superior compared to all experimental groups (P<0.01 compared to