Tiam Mana Saffari

226 CHAPTER 10 Overview of volume distribution To give an overview of all groups, volumes of vessels with corresponding diameters were presented as means and combined in one figure (Figure 6). The control and autograft showed a similar distribution of vessels, with a large overlap. Allografts showed the lowest volume of vessels and this pattern was increased when wrapping within a SIEF flap, with regard to both volume and diameter distribution. The addition of stem cell seeding further improved these distributions, with greatest increase found when combined with undifferentiated MSCs. Figure 6. Overview of blood vessel diameter distribution based on volume after three-dimen- sional reconstruction using micro computed tomography (micro CT). Diameter distribution of blood vessels of control, autograft, allograft, allograft wrapped in a pedicled superficial inferior epigastric fascial (SIEF) flap, combined with undifferentiated mesenchymal stem cells (uMSC+SIEF) or mesenchymal stem cells differentiated into Schwann cell-like cells (dMSC+SIEF). Groups were ranked based on volume and presented as the mean to give an overview of all groups.