Marieke van Son

134 CHAPTER 7 Table 4 – Focal salvage HDR-BT studies reporting CTCAE 4.0 toxicity Study Year N Dose regimen Target OAR dose constraints Median follow-up Grade 3 toxicity Jiang et al (13) 2017 22 3 weekly fractions of 10 Gy Peripheral zone and choline PET-positive area ≤9 Gy to the urethral surface and ≤7 Gy to the visible rectum 73 months GI: 0% GU: 9% (late phase) Murgic et al (14) 2018 15 2 weekly fractions of 13.5 Gy Prostate quadrant with MRI-visible lesion Urethra D10% <110% and rectal V80% <0.2 ml 36 months GI: 0% GU: 6.7% (late phase) Slevin et al (15) 2020 43 Single dose of 19 Gy Lesion as identified using TRUS, mp-MRI, PET-CT and template-guided biopsies Urethra D10% <20.9 Gy, rectal V100%=0 ml and rectal D2cc <12.35 Gy 26 months GI: 0% GU: 2.3% (late phase) Chitmanee et al (16) 2020 50 Single dose of 19 Gy Lesion as identified using mp-MRI and template mapping biopsies Urethra D10% <22 Gy and rectal D2cc <15 Gy 21 months GI: 0% GU: 10% (late phase) Legend: CTCAE: Common Terminology Criteria for Adverse Events, N: number of patients, OAR: organs at risk, Gy: Gray, PET: positron emission tomography, mp-MRI: multiparametric magnetic resonance imaging, TRUS: transrectal ultrasound, GU: genitourinary, GI: gastro-intestinal.