Dolph Houben

145 Viability and immune response to VCA 7 Figure 4: Histology of the allogenic vascular pedicle: thrombosed vascular pedicle, hypertrophic intima with an intact internal elastic lamina (Elastica-Van Gieson stain). Figure 5: Histology of different soft tissues 20 weeks after transplantation (stained by hematoxylin and eosin): the arteriovenous(AV) bundle within the allotransplant showing a normal and patent arterial wall (A) with some fibrotic changes within the intramedullary canal of the allotransplant (B), compared to a normal intramedullary artery (D) and canal (E) of the contralateral tibia. (D). In the periosteal soft tissue we found arteries showing signs of intima thickening and fibrosis of the allotransplant (C) compared to the normal contralateral side (D) all the black area marked with x is an contrast agent Microfill indicating the patency of the vessels.