Dolph Houben

201 D Dankwoord and Credits Dear Dr. Shin, Dear Alex, You have given me so many opportunities besides research and you are a true mentor in how to be a reconstructive surgeon and manager at the same time. The amount of positive energy you have and dedication to your work are of unknown magnitude and a true inspiration. I hope I don’t keep you awake at night anymore with new “Pig Surgery’s”. At last, I would like to point out that research is all about teamwork, so words are too short to thank you for your contribution to this thesis. Lefty loosy righty tidy!!! Beste Mikko, Wat was het schrikken toen jij mij opbelde tijdens mijn laatste fase in mijn coschappen. “Hoi Dolph, ik wil je vragen of je misschien interesse hebt om voor een periode naar de USA te verhuizen om daar onderzoek te gaan doen”. I cannot thank you enough for the trust, patience and opportunities you have given me. Thanks to you I have become a part of the Mayo family. Dear Pat, Thank you so much for your consistent help and support throughout my period in Rochester. You really have taught me a lot about laboratorial techniques and animal handling. Besides that, you have given me the feeling I was a part of the group and helped me out in lots of different situations throughout the year. Thank you so much for everything. Additionally, I would like to thank Ross, Bob, Steve, Donna, Roman, Stacy, Joanne, Jim, Teresa, Cristine, the other vet techs/lab assistants, biomechanical engineers for their tremendous amount of help and work they have put into my research project. Without you guys I would have been lost in the world of DNA, PCR, laboratorial techniques, microscopy, and radiology. Dear Katie, Comparative Medicine and Dr. Andrews, thank you for being there during my period at Mayo Clinic. In a new world of experimental surgery, where everything was new to me and where I had no previous experience in working with animals. You have taught me a lot and it was a lot of fun working with you guys. Due to this great experience, I made a friend for life! Thanks Katie! Geachte Leescommissie, graag wil ik jullie heel hartelijk danken voor de tijd en moeite die jullie hebben vrijgemaakt voor mij om mijn promotie mogelijk te maken. De dag van mijn promotie betekend niet alleen het verkrijgen van een academische graad maar is daarnaast een belangrijke mijlpaal in mijn medische carrière. Dear Mana, Femke, Elisa, Noor, Dimitria, Verena and other Dutch research fellows, thank you so much for your help during my time at Rochester. Working with all of you has been a joy, net als het kennis maken met de toch net iets andere cultuur in de USA. Avondjes uit om even de Nederlandse gewoontes te vergelijken en struggles van het onderzoekers leven te bespreken. Graag wil ik mijn collega’s van de Afdeling Plastische Chirurgie van het AUMC bedanken voor de mogelijkheden die jullie mij hebben gegeven om mijn promotie af te ronden.