Darcy Ummels

122 | Chapter 6 tool. 28,36 ‐ 39,45 ‐ 51,55 ‐ 63 The initial framework consisted of six categories: instruction, characteristics of the activity tracker, correct functioning, sharing data and privacy, goal, and use, with several subcategories (Appendix 6.1). These categories were also embedded in the draft manual. The interview lasted 15 ‐ 30 min and was audio ‐ recorded. Gender, age, and the number of treatment weeks were also noted. Data analyses For the data analyses, the audio recordings of the conversations during therapy, the reflection sessions, and the interviews were transcribed verbatim. Directed content analyses 64 were used to analyze all data using NVivo (version 10). Deductive coding was based on the used framework (Appendix 6.1). When a text fragment was considered relevant for use or experiences with the MISS Activity but not matching with an existing code, inductive coding was used by using an "other" code. In this way, new categories or subcategories could potentially be identified and registered to the framework. The first interview and audio fragment and every fifth interview and audio fragment were coded by two researchers (DU and LH), and an alignment session was held to fine ‐ tune the coding process. Differences in interpretation were solved by dialogue to reach consensus; if needed, a third researcher was consulted. Descriptive statistics of the therapists and the patients were presented as medians (range). Data were organized in accordance with the analysis framework previously developed (Appendix 6.1). Results Three iteration cycles were performed within a total of 28 recorded conversations during therapy about measuring physical activity, 4 reflection sessions, and 11 semi ‐ structured interviews. Therapist’ and patient’ characteristics Three psychosomatic therapists participated in this research, of which one therapist (Therapist 3) only participated in the last reflection session. The three therapists were women (29, 33, and 26 years old) and worked 4.5, 1.5, and 0.5 years, respectively, at the specialized mental healthcare center. In total, 11 patients were enrolled by the therapists for participation (Table 2).