Darcy Ummels

Using an activity tracker in daily clinical practice | 127 6 “If we look at your data, the step count is really high. 40,000 steps a day is quite a lot. Do you feel comfortable with that?” ‐ Question from therapist 1 to patient 10 during a therapy session (audiotaped conversation). Experiences of professionals and patients with the MISS Activity Instruction Throughout all iterations, therapists experienced that it was easy to explain the activity tracker to their patients. Patients expressed that the instruction of the therapists was clear enough and sufficient to start using the tracker. Both patients and therapists experienced sufficient time to give or receive instructions about the activity tracker and did not mind spending time on these instructions. Moreover, patients appreciated that the therapists downloaded and installed the app on their smartphones during the therapy session. “We have a lot of sessions, so I have enough time to really explain the activity tracker. I notice that my clients are motivated and don’t mind taking time for the instruction because they want to know how it works.” ‐ PS Therapist 1 (reflection session). Characteristics of the activity tracker Both patients and therapists expressed the ease of use of the activity tracker. They liked that the activity tracker was not complex and was comfortable to wear. The activity tracker measured sufficient variables, and the feedback on the activity tracker and app was clear for both therapists and patients. ‘More than easy, you didn’t have to explain much about it. You push that button and swipe and it appears. There is nothing hard about it.’ Patient 5, female, 44 years (semi ‐ structured interview) Correct functioning Both the therapists and patients experienced the tracker as being valid and reliable and experienced no technical problems. “The activity tracker really measures the number of steps. I counted my steps and looked on the app and it was the exact number!” ‐ Patient 5, female, 44 years (semi ‐ structured interview).