Darcy Ummels

Using an activity tracker in daily clinical practice | 139 6 Appendix 6.1 Category Subcategory Costs of the activity tracker 46 Costs of a subscription 63 Compensation of healthcare insurance 63 Possession of a smartphone 46 Possession of a computer 54,63 Purchase Available and clear information about the feasibility of the trackers 46,63 Required instruction from healthcare professional 28,39,46,48,63 Support 49,50,63 Instruction Required technical skills 25,55,56,63 Installing and receiving data from the activity tracker 37,45,46,49,56 Measured variables by the activity tracker 45,54 ‐ 58,63 Interface 49 Accessibility 36,37,44,49,63 Wearing comfort 25,45,46,49,54,56,59,60 Setting goals 25,45,61 ‐ 63 Complexity 25,36,37,39,55,63 Feedback 25,46,55 ‐ 58,60,63 Characteristics of the activity tracker Robustness 25,49,63 Validity 39,45,49,55 ‐ 57,59,60 Reliability 39,45,49,55 ‐ 57,59,60 Correct functioning Technical problems 25,39,49 Beliefs of healthcare professional 37,39,44,63 Beliefs of patient Skills of therapist 28,29,31,54 Skills and beliefs Skills of patient 36,37,39,63 Interoperational 37,39,54,63 Possibility to share data 56,59,61 ‐ 63 Safely sharing data 45,49,56,60 Warrant of privacy 63 Insight into physical activity level by healthcare professional 45 Sharing data and privacy Authorization, authentication, license 63 Diagnosis 39,45,47,48,50,62 Assessment Monitor 39,44,45,47,48,50 Goal of the activity tracker Intervention 28,39,44 ‐ 48,50 Implementation in therapy 28,36,37,39,44,50,63 Implementation in clinical reasoning 28,36,37,39,44,46,50,63 Interface 49 Compliance by healthcare professional and patient 28,36,37,39,47,50,63 Setting goals 55,58 Choice of activity tracker Discussing data 28,47,48 Data interpretation Feedback technical problems by patients 46,63 Healthcare professional and patient relation from perspective of the healthcare professional 47,48,58,62,63 Healthcare professional and patient relation from perspective of the healthcare patient 28,47,48 Added value of the activity tracker 24,25,28,45,46–48,54,55,57,58 Faith in measurements and measurements procedures 49,56,57,60,63 Use of the activity tracker Length of use