Darcy Ummels

Impact paragraph | 175 IP healthcare professionals). This creates opportunities to measure their physical activity level in a valid and feasible manner for (older) adults with or without a chronic disease. Although the MISS Activity is not available for purchase through websites or stores, it is available from the manufacturer. Healthcare professionals’ meaningful use of an activity tracker in their daily clinical practice may improve the quality of care for (older) adults with or without a chronic disease. Healthcare professionals Although only physiotherapists and psychosomatic therapists participated in the studies within this dissertation, the findings are potentially relevant to several healthcare professionals such as occupational therapists, nurses, and nutritionists. For instance, the developed feasibility framework (found in the appendix to chapter three) can be used directly in daily clinical practice. Healthcare professionals also can benefit from the availability of the MISS Activity. By using a more valid activity tracker for the measurement of physical activity in (older) adults with or without a chronic disease, healthcare professionals obtain better insight into their physical activity level. Furthermore, healthcare professionals can benefit from the easy user interface, since it takes little time to get familiar and explain the activity tracker their patients. Healthcare professionals can benefit from the lessons learned from our action research study, through the manual and course for healthcare professionals in which these lessons were integrated. Educators and students The findings of this dissertation can be used in courses for healthcare students and professionals that discuss the development and use of activity trackers and other digital health technology. Although measurement tools are incorporated into healthcare course curricula, the use of eHealth is typically addressed in a limited way or not at all.16 As the use of eHealth is a method to ensure a sustainable healthcare system, one might advocate that the application of eHealth in daily clinical practice should be more addressed. Competencies in eHealth are a prerequisite for healthcare professionals to work with all sorts of health technology. In order to incorporate more eHealth into the curricula, lecturers should receive training focused on the opportunities and use of eHealth in healthcare. For example, Zuyd University of Applied Sciences pilots a program to help educators make decisions on implementing eHealth, with specific attention to eHealth measurement technologies into the curricula of seven health educations (physiotherapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy, nursing, midwifery, social work