Darcy Ummels

Impact paragraph | 179 IP Inclusion of students 129 students from different disciplines of Zuyd University of Applied Sciences: physiotherapy, communication and multimedia design, ICT, health technology|healthcare biometrics, facility management, pre ‐ university education, and international business. (https://www.zuyd.nl/over ‐ zuyd/nieuws/2020/11/lime) Publications All articles in this dissertation are published in international peer ‐ reviewed journals. Counting Steps in Activities of Daily Living in People With a Chronic Disease Using Nine Commercially Available Fitness Trackers: Cross ‐ Sectional Validity Study. Ummels D, Beekman E, Theunissen K, Braun S, Beurskens A. JMIR Mhealth Uhealth, 2018; 2(6);e70 Patients' experiences with commercially available activity trackers embedded in physiotherapy treatment: a qualitative study. Ummels D, Beekman E, Moser A, Braun S, Beurskens A. Disability and Rehabilitation, 2020; 42(23), 3284 ‐ 3292 Measure It Super Simple (MISS) activity tracker: (re)design of a user ‐ friendly interface and evaluation of experiences in daily life. Ummels D, Braun S, Stevens A, Beekman E, Beurskens A. Disability and Rehabilitation: Assistive technology, 2020; 24;1 ‐ 11 online ahead of print. The Validation of a Pocket Worn Activity Tracker for Step Count and Physical Behavior in Older Adults during Simulated Activities of Daily Living. Ummels D*, Bijnens W*, Aarts J, Meijer K, Beurskens A, Beekman E. Gerontology and Geriatric medicine, 2020; 30 ‐ 6;2333721420951732. Using an Activity Tracker in Healthcare: Experiences of Healthcare Professionals and Patients. Ummels D., Beeman E., Braun S., Beurskens A. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2021, 18(10), 5147 One article describing the study protocol of phase one is published in a international peer ‐ reviewed journal. Beekman E, Braun S, Ummels D, van Vijven K, Moser A, Beurskens A. Validity, reliability and feasibility of commercially available activity trackers in physical therapy for people with a chronic disease: a study protocol of a mixed methods research. Pilot Feasibility Stud. 2017; Nov 23;3:64. Follow ‐ up grants One follow ‐ up grant has been granted: SIA KIEM ‐ HBO. De verkenning van de ontwikkeling en evaluatie van een stappenplan voor geintegreerd gebruik van activiteitenmeters binnen de zorg voor mensen met chronische pijn. One follow ‐ up grant has been submitted: Meten op maat met eHealth, Methodisch ondersteunen bij het duurzaam gebruik in de eerstelijns zorgpraktijk. Spin ‐ off projects One internal Zuyd University project within the transitation theme ‘Gezonde Samenleving’ where educators are supported in make decisions on implementing eHealth, with specific attention to eHealth measurement technologies into the curricula of seven health educations (physiotherapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy, nursing, midwifery, social work and arts therapies) and to gain insight into the support needs of educators during the implementation. The MISS Activity can be used in future research, two studies are already planning on using the MISS Activity as a measurement tool for physical activity in older adults (project: H2020 Pharaon) and patients with COPD (project: COPD subtypes based on Western and Chinese diagnostics).