Darcy Ummels

Patients’ experiences with commercially available activity trackers embedded in physiotherapy treatment | 47 3 the research. This study was approved by the local ethics board (METC Atrium ‐ Orbis ‐ Zuyd; 15 ‐ N ‐ 48). Activity trackers Eight activity trackers were selected based on characteristics such as wearing position, type of activity tracker and trackable activities, and on selection criteria required by the physiotherapists (costs less than €150, no monthly subscription, real ‐ time feedback from the tracker to the user, measures number of steps, and no chest strap to measure heart rate). The following eight activity trackers were selected: Activ8, Digi ‐ Walker CW ‐ 700, Fitbit Flex, Lumo Back, Moves, Fitbit One, UP24, and the Walking Style X (Table 3.1). 33 Participants were provided with an activity tracker by their physiotherapist and asked to wear it for at least a week. Intentionally, physiotherapists received no specific instructions regarding to the way activity trackers should be distributed. The choice was made in consultation with the participant (shared decision ‐ making) or was made by the physiotherapist solely. At their own request, participants could wear the activity tracker longer and could also use a second activity tracker. The physiotherapists had two training sessions: one about the practical use of the activity tracker (e.g., how to install them) and one about the integration of activity trackers in their therapy. Physiotherapists did not receive any further instructions about how to use the activity trackers in their treatments, to simulate ‘ real life ’ as much as possible. Table 3.1 Eight selected commercially available activity trackers used in this study. Activity tracker Manufacturer Type Wearing position Outcome variables Activ8 Remedy Ltd Accelerometer Trouser pocket A,B,C Digi ‐ Walker CW ‐ 700 Yamax Coorporation Pedometer Wrist A,C Flex Fitbit Inc. Accelerometer Wrist A,C Lumo Back Lumo BodyTech, Inc. Accelerometer Lower back A,B,C,D Moves ProtoGeo App Trouser pocket A,C One Fitbit Inc. Accelerometer Belt A,C UP24 Jawbone Accelerometer Wrist A,C Walking Style X Omron Healthcare Europe B.V. Pedometer Belt A,C A: number of steps; B: time spent lying, sitting, standing, walking, running and cycling; C: active minutes; D: number of sit to stand transition. Data collection For socio ‐ demographic purposes, the participants ’ general characteristics were collected: gender, age, diagnosed chronic disease, and the highest level of education. Specific disease characteristics were collected. In the case of COPD, this was the Global