Darcy Ummels

48 | Chapter 3 Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease (GOLD) stage 34 , for osteoarthritis its location (lower extremity, upper extremity, cervical or lower spine), and in cancer patients the treatment phase (curative/palliative). Two questionnaires were used: the Physical Activity Questionnaire (PAQ) and the Cumulative Illness Rating Scale (CIRS). The PAQ was used to indicate the daily physical activity of the participants 35 , and the CIRS was used to calculate the severity and number of comorbidities. 36,37 Participants were asked to participate in an individual interview or focus group discussion. A semi ‐ structured interview guide for the individual interviews was developed based on the five steps of Kallio et al. 38 In step 1, the appropriateness of the semi ‐ structured setup was verified as a rigorous data collection method in relation to the research question of this study. In step 2, previous knowledge was retrieved from the literature and by consulting experts (two participant representatives, the research team and, two mHealth experts) to understand the phenomenon of feasibility, i.e., experiences with activity trackers in healthcare. In step 3, the preliminary interview guide was formulated. In step 4, the interview guide was tested by means of internal testing: evaluation within the research team, expert assessment with two participant representatives, and field testing with the first two research participants. Adaptations were made, and in step 5, the complete semi ‐ structured interview guide was finalized. The interview guide is provided in Supplement File S3.1. The questioning route used for the focus group discussions was developed according to Krueger et al. 39 The questioning route for the focus group discussion was based on that of the individual interviews to confirm data saturation. The interviewers were a physiotherapist (EB) or a human movement scientist (KvV). The interview questions were openended to encourage the participants to talk about their experiences. If needed, the interviewer asked follow ‐ up questions to gain more insight. Individual interviews were performed at a location convenient for the participant (either the participant ’ s home or the physiotherapy practice). Each interview was audio recorded and lasted 30 ‐ 60 min; the interviewer also took field notes. The focus group discussion took place at the research institute (Zuyd University). The focus group discussion was audio recorded and lasted for 60 ‐ 90 min. There was one interviewer (EB), two researchers took field notes (KvV, AB) and two participant representatives were present. Participants were included until no new information was collected (data saturation) on all topics. This was established by regular agreement sessions within the research team. Once data saturation had been reached, one focus group discussion was scheduled, which served to confirm the results.