Darcy Ummels

Contents Chapter 1 General introduction 7 Chapter 2 Counting Steps in Activities of Daily Living in People With a Chronic 21 Disease Using Nine Commercially Available Fitness Trackers: Cross ‐ Sectional Validity Study JMIR Mhealth Uhealth, 2018; 2(6);e70 Chapter 3 Patients' experiences with commercially available activity trackers 43 embedded in physiotherapy treatment: a qualitative study Disability and Rehabilitation, 2020; 42(23), 3284 ‐ 3292 Chapter 4 Measure It Super Simple (MISS) activity tracker: (re)design of a 69 user ‐ friendly interface and evaluation of experiences in daily life Disability and Rehabilitation: Assistive technology, 2020; 24;1 ‐ 11 online ahead of print Chapter 5 The Validation of a Pocket Worn Activity Tracker for Step Count 93 and Physical Behavior in Older Adults during Simulated Activities of Daily Living Gerontology and Geriatric medicine, 2020; 30 ‐ 6;2333721420951732 Chapter 6 Using an activity tracker in healthcare: experiences of healthcare 113 professionals and patients Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2021 May; 18(10): 5147 Chapter 7 General discussion 141 Addendum English summary 159 Samenvatting 165 Impact paragraph 173 Dankwoord 181 About the author 187 List of publications 189